Chesapeake RollCall

Member Login

Welcome to Chesapeake RollCall, the online database of the Chesapeake breed.

In addition to a complete new software rewrite, the old RollCall database had not been touched since 2002 and needed 15 years of updates. Many records in the old database were duplicates or had errors and needed auditing. Thankfully, Mark took on that thankless task. There is still a bit more work to be done auditing and entering data, but the data in the test database should be current enough to handle most pedigree requests. Please note that the current active database is a temporary one and will be replaced when the data entry and audit is complete.

During this introduction period, the member login requirement is disabled. When launched, members will need to login. Membership will be free and open to anyone. Also note that during this time, the add/edit functions are disabled although the forms will work to give you an idea of what the final program will look like.

If, during your visit, you notice any software glitches or errors in the data, please let me know!

Tom MacClanahan